The art of playing chess | Javokhir Makhkamov | TEDxTSUL

Despite the fact that Javokhir Mahkamov himself is fond of several sports like football, ping-pong he considers that chess as an intellectual sport is underrated, and that benefits it offers to people in terms of their intellectual development are largely neglected today. He intends to refute the idea that chess is boring and only for nerds and every single person can benefit from this by playing it as a hobby, if not professionally.——————————————————–Javohir Mahkamov futbol, stol tennisi va ping-pong kabi bir qancha sport turlariga mehr qo‘yishiga qaramay, intellektual sport turi sifatida shaxmatga yetarlicha baho berilmayotgani, uning insonlarning intellektual rivojlanishiga bera oladigan foydalari e’tibordan chetda qolgan, deb hisoblaydi. U shaxmatni zerikarli degan fikrni rad etadi. Uning fikricha har bir kishi shaxmatni professional tarzda bo’lmasa ham, hobbi sifatida o’ynash orqali foyda ko’rishi mumkin.———————Несмотря на то, что сам Джавохир Махкамов увлекается несколькими видами спорта, такими как футбол, пинг-понг, он считает, что шахматы как интеллектуальный вид спорта недооценены, а преимущества, которые они дают людям с точки зрения их интеллектуального развития, сегодня в значительной степени игнорируются. Он намерен опровергнуть представление о том, что шахматы скучны и только для ботаников, и, что каждый может извлечь из этого пользу, играя в них как хобби, если не профессионально. Javokhir Makhkamov is a sophomore at INHA University in South Korea, majoring in International Business and Trade. Despite the fact that he himself is fond of several sports like football, ping-pong he considers that chess as an intellectual sport is underrated, and that benefits it offers to people in terms of their intellectual development are largely neglected today. He intends to refute the idea that chess is boring and only for nerds and every single person can benefit from this by playing it as a hobby, if not professionally. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at