Greatest Chess Move Ever

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  1. My 800 ass paused it for like 30 minutes 😂😂😂😂

  2. I am making a new alarm ringtone. It is called "THE ROOK"

  3. I really had 5 forks in one of my games 🎮

  4. The 5th move that is NOT mentioned
    Pawn f3
    Knight e2
    King h1
    Queen h2# mate 💀💀

  5. These are getting to be a little dramatic.

  6. Bro what if Qe2 by white??

    Ok I got it. It's Ne2 check then Rxh2 mate.
    If white captures the Knight then Qxh2 Mate. Spectacular

  7. people randomly carrying gold coins to a chess match is problem in its own right.

  8. Saw it in the wrong order. I kept eyeing Ne2, but it felt like a mostly useless check, but i also saw it pinned the H pawn to the king, but f pawn is still present.

    My brain still doesn't process the short term value of queen sacrifices unless it's too obvious.

  9. Actually white can play queen to b2 to prevent check mate and you have to take then black can fork your king and queen

  10. Во, научился.. – ЗАДВИНУЛ!111… круто, круто)

  11. I've never seen a more slam dunk case than the OJ case.

  12. Bro switched :-
    Knight e2 mate in one…💀👧🏼

  13. Is this possible mate without saccing queen?
    Ne2 kh1
    Rf2 rxf2
    Qe1 rf1

  14. ★🙌🏽🤣🙌🏽👍🏽🙌🏽🤟🏽🙌🏽🙏🏼🙌🏽👏🏼★

  15. It should be a (!!!) mega brilliant move
    Greater then (!!) brilliant 😂
    Wow what a sacrifice

  16. Wouldnt rook f2 work ? If rook takes Queen u got mate in 2 and if rook takes rook u just mate in like 3 moves Tell me if iam wrong

  17. Bro just do white queen to e5 😂😂 there is no way black is winning becoz if black queen checks our queen will take it then if rook captures our queen then king will capture it and that's how white will be a rook up

  18. I was calculating Rxf2, if Rxf2: Qe1+, Rg1, Ne2+, Kh1, Qxf1#. But if Rxc3, Ne2+, Kh1 and Rf1#. And if white played literally anything else it’s still losing for white

  19. Who was that guy, was it fisher or smth

  20. Queen takes rook on c5, Queen takes queen, Knight to e2 check, king moves to h1, knight to g3 check, pawn captures Knight on g3 rook takes rook on f3 is checkmate

  21. Instead of taking i f white moves queen to e5 every thing is defended

  22. The could have thrown something softer at the players

  23. Donations in the old times were crazy, throwing gold coins lmao

  24. but what if white play queen e5 for defend?

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