Chess, known as Chaturanga in ancient India, emerged during the Gupta Empire around the 6th century CE. It was a game of strategy played by royals and noble warriors, reflecting the tactical battles of the time.
The game of Chaturanga had different pieces representing various ranks in the army, including infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots. The objective was to capture the opponent’s king, mirroring the essence of ancient warfare.
Over time, Chaturanga evolved and spread to different parts of the world. The rules underwent modifications, and the game gained popularity, taking on different names and variations in different cultures.
Today, chess is celebrated as a global game of strategy, played by millions across the globe.
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Everything is created in india 🫡#proudindian 🔥
Proud to be Indian ❤🎉 Shadyantra was invented in India and Shri Lanka because Shri Lanka was part of india 8800 yrs back. Initially it was named as Dhyut and cursed by Draupadi and Kalyug. Shadyantra is system and played as per Shadgunya. It is based on 10×10 board called Dashpaad or Dashpada. Chaturanga was evolved from Shadyantra in 200 BC after it was latter was banned